Krill Science & Kori in the News

Joint Health

How do Omega-3s support joint health?

While there’s no silver bullet to maintaining joint health as we age, there are nutritional strategies that support joint health. Specifically, there is evidence that Omega-3s may help promote joint health and comfort as we age.
Immune System

Do Omega-3s support the immune system?

Your immune system is multifaceted. When it’s healthy, multiple functions work in concert to support the overall health of your body. There are many ways Omega-3s may support your immune system, ensuring your concert remains in-tune.
Heart Health

How do Omega-3s support heart health?

Studies have shown that Omega-3s may have a part to play in all of the critical heart processes because they interact with your heart’s components—like its rhythm, blood pressure, and arteries—all of which may support better heart health.
6 Top Tips for Mens Health

6 Tips for Men’s Health and Wellness

This article will shed light on six ways men can improve their health according to science, including diet and exercise tips, health considerations specifically for men, and supplements that may support men’s mental and physical health.
Press Release His Health Mag PR News Wire

Press Release: Best Men’s Supplements: BrainLuxury, NutriRise, Frog Fuel, and Kori Krill Oil are Award Winners

His Health Mag has awarded four dynamic and entrepreneurial companies its Best Men's Supplement Product Award for their innovative and unique new product releases. Amongst them was Kori Krill Oil for its Antarctic Krill Oil Omega 3 Gummies.