The Omega-3
that's moreThe
Kori Krill Oil is a clinically proven Omega-3 source 1 for your best health, with more absorption, more nutrients, and more sustainability.
Kori Krill Oil is a clinically proven Omega-3 source 1 for your best health, with more absorption, more nutrients, and more sustainability.
Clinically Proven
to Raise Omega-3 Levels
Wild-Caught Krill are one of the most nutrient dense sources, and krill oil is backed by over 50 clinical studies.

Discover our family of krill oil supplements and choose what's best for you.
The most sustainable Omega-3
The only fishery to earn an “A” rating 7 years running. Internationally recognized for its industry leading practices, the operations behind Kori deliver the highest quality product while protecting the oceans.
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[1] Krill Oil is clinically proven to raise omega-3 levels.