Where did your Kori Krill Oil come from?
Krill are small, shrimp-like crustaceans that are found primarily in cold, nutrient-rich waters, such as the Southern Ocean near Antarctica. They are vital part of the marine food chain, serving as a primary food source for various marine animals, including whales, seals, penguins, and fish.
Krill consumes microscopic algae and converts it into a form that is easily digestible by other organisms, including humans. The crustaceans are known for their high nutritional value, containing Omega-3 fatty acids, phospholipids, and astaxanthin, which are essential nutrients for human health.
Omega-3s contribute a range of benefits for the human body, including maintaining healthy brain and vision function. And while studies are still ongoing, current research suggests these Omega-3s are useful in supporting heart health, vision health, immune and joint health, and healthy skin.
We care just as much about your health as we do about protecting the long-term health of our ocean’s and our planet. The operations behind Kori Krill Oil are designed to minimize environmental impact through patented eco-harvesting technology.
Eco-harvesting technology®, as utilized by our partner Aker BioMarine, is an innovative and sustainable approach to harvesting krill from the ocean. There are four key components around which the sustainable operations are designed:
- Gentle and Efficient Process: Eco-harvesting technology is designed to minimize environmental impact. It involves the use of a specially designed vessel that employs a fine mesh net to collect krill gently from the ocean's surface, reducing bycatch and preventing damage to other marine species.
- Real-time Monitoring: The eco-harvesting fishing vessels are equipped with advanced sensors and real-time monitoring systems. This enables precise data collection, ensuring that the harvesting process remains within sustainable limits and adheres to strict regulations and guidelines.
- Traceability and Transparency: We place a strong emphasis on traceability and transparency throughout the entire supply chain. From the moment the krill are harvested, they are carefully tracked and monitored, providing assurance that the products derived from these krill are sourced sustainably.
- Collaboration and Research: We actively collaborate with scientific institutions and academic communities to further advance eco-harvesting technology.
Overall, eco-harvesting technology represents a significant leap forward in sustainable krill harvesting practices. By employing gentle and efficient methods, real-time monitoring, traceability, and collaboration, we aim to protect the delicate Antarctic ecosystem while responsibly harnessing the valuable resources provided by krill.
The Antarctic krill fishery is the only reduction fishery to receive an A-Rating by the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) seven years running. It was awarded this rating as a well-run fishery, which is the gold standard for the healthy and safe extraction of krill oil without doing damage to the ecosystem. Aker BioMarine credits their success to its careful approach and strict guidelines for limiting the number of krill they harvest to keep the ecosystem in a state of equilibrium.
Kori Krill Oil is proud to source our krill from this fishery, making us a global industry leader in sustainability.
So, where did your Kori Krill Oil come from?
Every bottle of Kori Krill Oil is fully traceable back to the exact spot in Antarctica where it was harvested.
Try our Krill Locator Tool by entering the lot number from the bottom of your Kori Krill Oil box to see where your krill oil came from!