Krill Science & Kori in the News
What is the best fish oil?
The best fish oil is actually… krill oil! Like fish oil, krill oil provides essential Omega-3 nutrients your body needs, especially if you do not regularly consume fatty fish. Your choice of an Omega-3 supplement matters because not all supplements are created equal.
Do you feel older than your age? You're not alone!
We conducted a survey of Americans aged 25-45. 64% of these adults feel physically older than their actual age, according to our new research. Yet mentally, 73% feel younger than they really are. Read more about what we learned.
Are krill harvested in an eco-friendly way?
For several years, the Antarctic krill fishery has been a source of controversy, mainly because of the perception that it is not sustainable. But now, based on several studies and research reports, many experts have found the opposite to be true.
What are Krill? 5 fast facts you need to know about krill and krill oil.
Krill contains long chain Omega-3 fatty acids EPA & DHA, as well as phospholipids, choline and astaxanthin. Compared to other sources, krill is one of the most underexploited marine sources of Omega-3s on Earth.
Here’s more on krill and krill oil.
What Is Krill Oil? 6 Facts You Need To Know
Krill oil is a doctor recommended source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which, according to scientific studies, may provide a range of health benefits, including heart, brain, joint, eye, skin and immune health.* There are many important differences between krill oil and other Omega-3 supplements, like fish oil. Read on to learn why krill oil is a great way to get Omega-3 fatty acids.